The Small Print
As a registered charity, magnify FOUNDATION are bound by our charitable objects.
We've summarised the main questions about who, what and how to apply here.
Grant Making Criteria
Can I Apply?
Magnify makes grants to individuals and organisations.
You don’t need to be a registered charity to apply, but what you ask us to support must be legally charitable.
If you are an organisation applying without charity status, then you must have a governing document (constitution, rules, memorandum and articles of association etc.), a governing body, and a bank account in your group’s name with at least two unrelated signatories. We reserve the right to ask you to supply this information during the application process.
How can I apply?
All applications are made using our online application form found on our Grants page.
Where do I need to be to apply?
We don’t mind where you are based, but we do have some funds we’d really like to use to support activities in certain geographical areas, which is why we may ask you to say where you are based if you apply.
What sort of support is available to me?
Magnify are interested in supporting:
Individuals over 18 or organisations who have successfully established their innovative faith venture and are now looking to scale, grow or develop in scope
Those who fall under the second objective of the Magnify Foundation and typically may not have access to conventional funding sources
Magnify won’t fund requests to support:
General appeals
Public bodies to carry out statutory obligations
Activities supporting animal welfare
Activities that have already taken place
Grant making by other organisations
Building repairs
Privately owned and profit distributing companies or limited partnerships.
When will I hear about my application?
We take up to 12 weeks to make a decision, and might need to contact you for some more details during that process. If we know sooner than 12 weeks, we will let you know as soon as we can.
What questions will you ask me during the application process?
We’ll need some useful information such as your name and contact details, and whether you are applying as an individual, charity or other organisation.
We’ll want to gather some information about what you’d like us to support, so that might be the name and a description of the project. We’ll ask for some measurable and time specific goals, and how you’ll go about reporting that to us.
If you’re an organisation or charity, or have a specific project you are requesting support for, we will need to see your latest accounts and budgets to give us an idea of your financial situation and planning.
It’d be good to know a bit about your team if you have one, what’s been done so far, and what you have planned in the future.
How much are the grants?
There is no set limit for grants. Average grants range from £1,000 to £25,000 total, with a few exceptions being considered in excess of this amount. This might be over 1-3 years with annual payments.